#PLStories- #BrunoLage reveals the reasons why Wolves sold #RafaMir and #OwenOtasowie #WOLVESFC 2021-2022-Season Daily News #PLStories- #BrunoLage reveals the reasons why Wolves sold #RafaMir and #OwenOtasowie #WOLVESFC Premier League Museum Admin August 21, 2021 Bruno Lage has explained the different scenarios which led to Wolverhampton Wanderers deciding to cash in on...Read More
#PLStories- #BrunoLage reveals what he’s told #PatrickCutrone and makes #RafaMir transfer admission #WOLVESFC 2021-2022-Season Daily News #PLStories- #BrunoLage reveals what he’s told #PatrickCutrone and makes #RafaMir transfer admission #WOLVESFC Premier League Museum Admin August 10, 2021 Bruno Lage has challenged Patrick Cutrone to find his feet at Wolverhampton Wanderers – but he has...Read More
#PLStories- Wolves striker #RafaMir confirms transfer plan after loan spell in Spain #WOLVESFC 2020-2021-Season Daily News #PLStories- Wolves striker #RafaMir confirms transfer plan after loan spell in Spain #WOLVESFC Premier League Museum Admin April 15, 2021 Rafa Mir is a man in-demand after rebuilding his career in Spain with Huesca. Rafa Mir said:...Read More