Benjamin Mendy

Benjamin Mendy claims that other Manchester City players were present at parties held at his home and that teammates lent him money after the club stopped paying him. Mendy, who was on a six-year contract with a pre-tax basic salary of £6 million a year, alleges that the club made “unauthorised deductions” from his wages over a period of 22 months from September 2021 to June 2023, resulting in a total net loss of £11,009,548. He recounts the events following the allegations against him, including financial struggles and his experience with legal processes. Mendy described his experience of financial hardship after the club suspended his salary, leading him to sell his Cheshire mansion to cover various expenses. He shared his emotional struggles concerning his inability to meet financial obligations such as child support.

Benjamin Mendy said, “I struggled to pay my child support, I felt awful. Raheem Sterling, Bernardo Silva, and Riyad Mahrez all lent me money to help me try and pay my legal fees and support my family.”

He also reflected on the profound impact the charges had on his life and the disparity in treatment he faced from the club compared to other players who attended the parties.

Benjamin Mendy noted, “The day I was charged was the day my life was turned upside down forever. Professional obligation doesn’t mean I can’t go out. Several Manchester City first-team players, including the club captain, were all present at the parties that I attended and hosted. We all drank alcohol. We all had casual relations with women. We all breached Covid-19 restrictions. This does not excuse my behavior, but I feel that it is unfair for Manchester City to single me out in the way that they have.”

Mendy pointed out what he perceives as the unfair treatment by Manchester City, noting that his situation was handled differently from others despite similar involvement.

Benjamin Mendy said, “I am not, however, aware of Manchester City deducting or suspending the pay of any of the other players even when it was public knowledge that such players had attended the parties. I do, therefore, feel it incredibly unjust that Manchester City effectively singled me out from the team when I was doing nothing different from the rest of the team. Nothing happened to them.”

During cross-examination, Sean Jones KC, representing City, questioned the legality and morality of Mendy’s actions amidst Covid restrictions and while under police bail. He highlighted the justifications for the club’s decision based on Mendy’s inability to perform his duties while in jail.

Sean Jones KC asserted, “The difference is by the time your pay is suspended, you were in jail, but they weren’t. You’re not able to perform your duties, but they are.”

Mendy expressed disappointment over the handling of his case by Manchester City, emphasizing their lack of acknowledgment or apology for the consequences of their actions.

Benjamin Mendy concluded, “I would have thought that Manchester City, of all clubs, would appreciate the lack of control and anger that a person or entity has with being charged with false allegations given the Premier League allegations that they are facing. At no point have Manchester City apologized to me or even acknowledged how their actions almost cost me everything.”

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